Design Service – A new garden for your home

If you would like a beautiful, well-designed garden for your home that will bring you closer to the natural environment, you are in the right place.

Making your new garden a reality is a collaborative experience.  We take time to listen and understand your aspirations to create a garden design that reflects your needs and desires, to create a stunning scheme, inspiring and drawing you outside to spend time in nature.

Your needs and desires are translated into a design which goes through several stages, which we will guide you through from beginning to end.

We then work closely with professional and talented landscapers to build the garden and bring everything into reality. 

We also offer a Bespoke Garden Design Service for those who may not need the whole package. We also offer a planting service as well. Please contact us to find out and to chat through your project.



  1. Visit to your garden and taking your brief

    Meeting face to face and seeing the garden in person is essential to understanding the site and your aspirations.

  2. Design brief and proposal

    This is the document that reflects your needs and desires for your garden and the cost of the design fee.

  3. Topographical land survey

    For small to medium gardens, Emily can do this for you. For larger or more complex sites a surveying company will be used.

  4. Site analysis

    Key to understanding your garden site, to help us to make decisions and informs design choices.

  5. Concept Design is presented

    Plan views, 3D visuals, sections and elevations will help you to visualise the design.  Any amendments can be made now.

  6. Detailed Design Plans are compiled for the landscaper

    This includes all built elements, construction details, specifications, everything the landscaper needs to price and build the project.

  7. Trusted landscapers quote for the build

    Over time and we have established great working relationships with professional and talented landscapers who we can recommend.

  8. Project monitoring

    Emily will be on site regularly to make sure everything is moving forward. She can act on your behalf for quality control and any troubleshooting.

  9. Planting plan designed and implemented

    Emily enjoys planting out her designed planting scheme with her experienced team.

  10. After care

    You will now have a beautiful garden, but it needs ongoing care. Ongoing gardening care is offered as a service or plant care information given to you to implement if you should wish. Ongoing advice is always available.

  11. Enjoy your new garden for many years to come!!